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How it works

  • Some requests from us:

  • *Please label or write your name and phone number on your boxes
  • *Please make sure your fridge is empty, defrosted and dry
  • *Please DO NOT store food or beverages of any kind in your boxes or totes.
dorm storage services

Option 1:

Curbside Pick-up: You will have your belongings waiting for us outside of your dorm and we will load them into our truck, store them for the summer, then redeliver them back to the curbside location outside of your dorm.


Option 2:

Room Pick-up: We will come directly to your room to pickup your belongings, load them into our truck, store them for the summer, then redeliver them directly back to your dorm room.

college storage units

Option 3:

Storage Only: You bring your belongings to one of our many convenient locations. You pick them up when you return.